Standards Australia

Location: Sydney, NSW  |  Size: 2,500m2

due diligence, duly rewarded

When people ask us curly questions, regardless of the consequence, we offer them straight answers. Answers based on decades of cumulative experience in every facet of the commercial fit out industry.

Our client asked a number of tendering companies, including us, to fulfil an unrealistic programme. Now to us, an affiliative approach isn’t just a phrase you’ll hear bandied about glass offices, it’s how we like to work. So, we requested a special meeting to present an alternative with a detailed programme highlighting critical pathways and achievable milestones. Upon further review and with the CBD client doing their own due diligence, it was revealed that our way forward was indeed the most pragmatic.

Some have said we went out on a limb by requesting that meeting and presenting a programme that was not in complete step with the client’s original intent. To us though, it’s simply a matter of being very clear about how we can preserve best interests, while achieving the very best results. Our client agreed and we are proud to have been entrusted with creating a part of their future.

Trust, confidence and honesty – that’s how we build reputations.

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